3. CLPA, Organisation for the co-management of fisheries resources in Senegal
The ‘Comité Local de Pêche Artisanal’ (hereafter CLPAs), comprising administration representatives and artisanal fishers, were created as an organisation responsible for the co-management of fisheries resources. CLPAs are the decision-making body for the management of fisheries resources and were officially recognised in 2008, although their actual creation dates back several years. The role of CLPAs is to advise governmental institutions on fisheries issues, resolve conflicts, monitor fishing activities, propose fisheries resource management plans, and advise on artisanal fishing licenses.
There are two types of CLPA: CLPA Métier (profession) comprise trade groups called ‘colleges’ and CLPA Terroir (community) comprised numerous fishing villages. CLPA Métier (profession) are organised independently in large fishing villages, such as Joal, whereas CLPA Terroir (community) are formed in small and medium fishing villages, where a local village committee (CLV) is formed in each village and representatives from several CLVs come together to form a CLPA Terroir.