Tips for practice

11. Diversification of fishing techniques to diversify fishing targets by introducing a small pelagic fishery

Catches in Lompoul on the Grande-Côte tend to be concentrated on demersal fish during the limited fishing season and there was concern about the decline of demersal fish stocks. JICA’s COGEPAS project therefore examined measures to diversify fishing techniques with the aim of maintaining and increasing fishers’ income while reducing fishing pressure on demersal fish stocks. Encircling gillnet fishing is an intermediate method between purse seine and gillnet fishing. It is conducted by a single boat, which makes it less expensive to operate. There was no concern regarding the distribution and sale of pelagic fish after they are caught as Lompoul has a well-developed fish processing facility. Ten fishers from Lompoul were sent to Joal, where encircling gillnet fishing is practiced, for technical training. The trainer was the owner and captain of an encircling gillnet boat and the ten trainees, together with the experienced crew, went on board to experience encircling gillnet fishing. Following the training in Joal, a trial of encircling gillnet fishing was implemented in Lompoul, where eight trips were made in 2011, catching around 300 kg of sardines and sardinella per day.

Case studies (cases 3-4)